Evoluent Vertical Mouse 3

By | 9 Feb 2009

Remapping buttons in Linux

You can use the following command to remap the buttons:

xinput set-button-map <device-id> <button1> <button2> <button3> ... <buttonN>

The <device-id> is shown in the xinput list output – you can use the name as a string or the id number. You can query the actual button state using xinput query-state <device-id>.

The mouse has following button-ids:

Thumb button9
Index finger button1
Middle finger button8
Ring finger button3
Wheel button2
Wheel up4
Wheel down5

See remapping mouse buttons on what buttons X11 recognizes.

According to this the default configuration (xinput set-button-map <device-id> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) would give you middle click on the wheel button and right-click on the middle finger. The ring finger button would be for special use as well as the thumb button.

I for myself prefer having the middle-button on the middle finger and the right-click on the ring finger. So I mapped 8→3 and 3→2 and I also mapped 9→8 and 2→9 to have the wheel button and thumb button for special use in some programs which make use of additional buttons. My final xinput line looks like this:

#                       input id: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
xinput set-button-map <device-id> 1 9 2 4 5 6 7 3 8

You could also map 9→6 and 2→7 to have the 2 additional buttons emulate Wheel left and Wheel right:

#                       input id: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
xinput set-button-map <device-id> 1 7 2 4 5 8 9 3 6

One thought on “Evoluent Vertical Mouse 3

  1. Danny

    We product the vertical mouse the same as yours ,pls contact me for details.


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