
By | 11 Dec 2008

At work we have the Kerio Mailserver Appliance for VMware which is based on Fedora Core 6. Since they use the ugly yum, I decided to install apt-rpm. I’m still missing something like aptitude, but it is okay now.

apt-rpm expects some *.list files in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory – as does the Ubuntu apt-get.


Since I had some time to find all repos, here’s ist an overview:

  • os.list (pre-installed, shortened to the neccessary ones)
    # Name: Operating system and updates

    ### Fedora Core Linux
    #repomd http://ayo.freshrpms.net fedora/linux/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/core
    #repomd http://ayo.freshrpms.net fedora/linux/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/updates
    rpm http://ayo.freshrpms.net fedora/linux/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH) core updates

    #offline: repomd http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/ fedora/linux/core/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/os/
    repomd http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/ fedora/linux/extras/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/
    #offline: repomd http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/ fedora/linux/core/updates/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/
  • dries.list
    # Name: Dries Repository

    #repomd http://ftp.belnet.be/packages/dries.ulyssis.org/fedora/linux/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/dries
    rpm http://apt.sw.be fedora/$(VERSION)/en/$(ARCH) dries
  • freshrpms.list
    # Name: freshRPMs

    # core and updates are used in os.list
    rpm http://ayo.freshrpms.net fedora/linux/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH) extras freshrpms
  • livna.list
    # Name: livna

    repomd http://rpm.livna.org fedora/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)
    repomd http://rpm.livna.org fedora/testing/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)
  • remi.list
    # Name: Les RPM de Remi

    repomd http://rpms.famillecollet.com fc$(VERSION).$(ARCH)

The difference between the rpm and the repomd is simple: A repomd points to a single repository whereas rpm can point to different in one line. Example:

repomd http://ayo.freshrpms.net fedora/linux/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/core
repomd http://ayo.freshrpms.net fedora/linux/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/updates

is exactly the same as

rpm http://ayo.freshrpms.net fedora/linux/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH) core updates

Notice the two last words in the last example. The resemble the two directories of the two repomd statements. You know it is a repository if the path contains a folder repodata, such as this one.

Knowing that, you can find more Repos using Google with an advanced query.

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