Tag Archives: linux

autofs everything

I usually have a few SMB shares from my NAS mounted on my Raspberry Pis. However, I rarely need to actually use them and scripts only need them once a day (backup). So I figured: Why let the OS bother with keeping those mounts active all day long when there’s a better way? Cue autofs.… Read More »

SSH key suddenly in “invalid format”

My private SSH key is ancient. And thus it still was in the “old” RSA format, recognisable by the header: This never was an issue. Everything works fine. Until now. While trying out GitFinder, it just didn’t want to accept my id_rsa file and always came back with “invalid format”. I’ve also made sure to… Read More »

Flaky WiFi dongle toggle script

After moving to a new place, I had to put my ADS-B handling Raspberry Pi 2B into a cupboard far from any network connection. So I’ve plugged in a cheap USB WiFi dongle and connected it to my WiFi. However, I don’t know whether it’s the dongle or something specific to the RasPi2’s USB implementation,… Read More »

Steam bug in Ubuntu

Steam has the bad habit to not run after upgrades of the Steam software. This is, because it uses its own libc which expects libraries not there in Ubuntu. To fix this, delete the file libstdc++.so.6.0.18 from the following folders: Update October 2016 It seems Steam has a few more bad duplicates to make it… Read More »

Puppet on CentOS 7

To install Puppet on CentOS 7, you can basically follow these instructions. Notes: To permanently switch from WEBrick to Apache, configure systemd like this: Install client agent on RedHat/CentOS

Resize partition

Detect new disk size With virtual machines (VMware at least), you can resize the disk drives without restarting the VM itself. After doing that, you have to get Linux to recognize the new disk drive size. Use one of these (found hereand here) – assuming the modified drive is /dev/sdc: Check the success with fdisk… Read More »