Microsoft Office OEM

By | 30 Mar 2009

Install Fujitsu-Siemens version

If you want to install a Microsoft Office and you happen to only have an OEM version from Fujitsu-Siemens, you’ll notice that it refuses to install on any Non-FSC-PC. But after some peeking around on the CD, you’ll find a suspiciously large file Install\OFF_FSC.EXE with around 250 MiB.

Taking a look at it reveals something strange:

00000000 47 4F 4E 49 │ C3 91 0E 8A │ 69 A9 79 79 │ 5C 36 B8 1E  GONIÃ...i©yy\6¸.
00000010 74 B0 52 C4 │ 64 20 8C C5 │ 13 A0 99 10 │ 27 7B 2E 27  t°RÄd .Å. ..'{.'
00000020 6D 87 BF 73 │ 04 8A AC 32 │ 0A 84 03 A9 │ 46 98 BE 71  m.¿s..¬2...©F.¾q
00000030 AC 61 32 5E │ BE 07 4C C8 │ B0 C1 95 92 │ 60 0B 08 4C  ¬a2^¾.LÈ°Á..`..L
00000040 1B 5F A5 15 │ C3 23 45 C4 │ 3F 63 78 9E │ 4C 12 8E 06  ._¥.Ã#EÄ?cx.L...

This doesn’t look like a normal EXE file, it’s missing the typical MZ1Mark Zbikowski header. Also the following data looks encrypted, i.e. somewhat random.

Somewhat below you’ll find some strings which have to do with unpacking – so the file seems to be a crypted self-extracting archive.

Going several pages further down, you’ll find something familiar:

00009FE0 00 00 00 00 │ 00 00 00 00 │ 00 00 00 00 │ 00 00 00 00  ................
00009FF0 00 00 00 00 │ 00 00 00 00 │ 00 00 00 00 │ 00 00 00 00  ................
0000A000 4D 53 43 46 │ 00 00 00 00 │ 12 91 43 0E │ 00 00 00 00  MSCF......C.....
0000A010 2C 00 00 00 │ 00 00 00 00 │ 03 01 01 00 │ 7E 00 00 00  ,...........~...
0000A020 00 00 00 00 │ 5D 11 00 00 │ 5D 1D 01 00 │ C1 00 00 00  ....]...]...Á...
0000A030 00 00 00 00 │ 00 00 0F 2F │ 2F 79 03 00 │ 41 55 54 4F  .......//y..AUTO
0000A040 52 55 4E 2E │ 49 4E 46 00 │ 31 A8 19 00 │ C1 00 00 00  RUN.INF.1¨..Á...
0000A050 00 00 0F 2F │ BA 58 03 00 │ 43 43 35 36 │ 31 34 30 31  .../ºX..CC561401
0000A060 2E 43 41 42 │ 00 3A F1 04 │ 00 F2 A8 19 │ 00 00 00 0F  .CAB.:ñ..ò¨.....
0000A070 2F BC 58 03 │ 00 43 44 35 │ 36 31 34 30 │ 31 2E 43 41  /¼X..CD561401.CA
0000A080 42 00 F3 99 │ 1F 00 2C 9A │ 1E 00 00 00 │ 0F 2F C6 58  B.ó...,....../ÆX
0000A090 03 00 43 46 │ 35 36 31 34 │ 30 31 2E 43 │ 41 42 00 C3  ..CF561401.CAB.Ã
0000A0A0 C6 0A 00 1F │ 34 3E 00 00 │ 00 0F 2F CA │ 58 03 00 43  Æ...4>..../ÊX..C
0000A0B0 4C 35 36 31 │ 34 30 31 2E │ 43 41 42 00 │ 9C CC 12 00  L561401.CAB..Ì..

MSCF stands for MicroSoft Cabinet File. It’s a header for the standard CAB2Cabinet archives used to distribute software. The AUTORUN.INF, CC561401.CAB, etc. are also a clear sign that this seems to be the index of the archive. The letters MSCF are mentioned several times before this location but there was no file index near them. This one here is clearly a standard CAB file.

So now take your favorite Hex-Editor and cut everything up to the MSCF header. The new file has to begin with MSCF. Rename it to something .cab and use your favorite archiving tool to unpack it. Et voilà!

  • 1
    Mark Zbikowski
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One thought on “Microsoft Office OEM

  1. Mrnobody

    .. just some info for anyone looking at this – after the MSCF flag “MSCF” 0 0 0 0, there a dword which seems to be the length of the CAB DATA itself .. so in the case above its 0x0E439112 = 228MB. Sounds right ? .. I just came across this looking for the actual header format .. but hope this helps .. cheers


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