SonyEricsson MBW-150

By | 9 Oct 2010

Product Page

Android 2.x-Phones

Notification service using OpenWatch, Tasker and PHP

Setup Tasker

  1. create a new time-based profile, let it run every 5 minutes or so
  2. add the following actions:
    1. Net → HTTP Get
      • Server:Port: (\)
      • Path: /notifier/notify.php (adapt according to your setup)
      • Attributes: \
      • Timeout: 10 (default)
      • Mime Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
      • Output File: \
    2. Tasker → Stop
      • If: [X]
      • %HTTPD Isn’t Set
    3. Variable → Variable Split
      • Name: %HTTPD
      • Splitter:
      • Delete Base: [ ]
    4. Alert → Notify(you can omit this one if you like)
      • Title: Remote Notification
      • Text: %HTTPD1 %HTTPD2 (%HTTPD3 seconds ago)
    5. Misc → Action Intent
      • Action: com.smartmadsoft.openwatch.action.VIBRATE
      • Cat: None
      • Data: \
      • Extra: line1:%HTTPD1
      • Extra: line2:%HTTPD2 (Note: There are 2 Extra input fields)
      • Target: Broadcast Receiver
  3. Done!

Setup Server

Put the following file onto a webserver capable of running PHP scripts (notify.php):


class DataStore {
    private $file;
    private $data = array(
        'entries' => array(),
    private $modified = false;

    public function __construct( $filename = 'queue.json' ) {
        $this->file = getcwd() . '/' . $filename;
        if ( file_exists( $this->file ) ) {

    public function __destruct() {
        if ( $this->modified ) {

    public function add( $line1, $line2 ) {
        $this->data['entries'][] = array(
            'timestamp' => time(),
            'line1' => $line1,
            'line2' => $line2,
        $this->modified = true;

    public function getNext() {
        if ( $this->getCount() > 0 ) {
            $entry = array_shift( $this->data['entries'] );
            $this->modified = true;
            return $entry;
        return array();

    public function getCount() {
        return count( $this->data['entries'] );

    private function save() {
        $json = json_encode( $this->data );
        file_put_contents( $this->file, $json, LOCK_EX );
        $this->modified = false;

    private function load() {
        $fc = file_get_contents( $this->file );
        $this->data = json_decode( $fc, true );
        $this->modified = false;

$ds = new DataStore();

header( 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' );
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['l1'] ) && isset( $_REQUEST['l2'] ) ) {
    // new notification ~~> store
    $ds->add( $_REQUEST['l1'], $_REQUEST['l2'] );
} else {
    // else: Display next notification, if any
    $entry = $ds->getNext();
    if ( isset( $entry['timestamp'] ) ) {
        $span = time() - $entry['timestamp'];
        echo $entry['line1'] . '¶' . $entry['line2'] . '¶' . $span;


Under Linux, you can send a notification like this:

wget -O - --quiet ""

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