VGA mode for older WM programs

By | 2 Feb 2009

Most older programs, like The Dog Ate It are using the old 240×320 format with double pixel size. So for TDAI, this had the effect, that the ClearTyped text was badly readable because of the big pixels.

The problem is that these old programs don’t bring the HI_RES_AWARE flag which causes this double pixel mode, i.e. the program thinks the screen has only 240×320 pixels but Windows Mobile paints every pixel as 2×2 pixels on the screen – including ClearType fonts.

So I found which suggests to download the MuiTest application and unpack it into any folder. There you’ll find a file MuiTest.exe.0409.mui. This file only contains the statement that the application should be run in VGA mode – and this is transferable to any other application. So for TDAI, the executable is named TheDogAteIt.exe so you have to rename the MUI file to TheDogAteIt.exe.0409.mui and put it in the same directory on the device. Now, TDAI should run in VGA.

This trick also makes Vectorsoft Draw more usable (although the toolbar with the forms disappears) and the VBB fahrinfo shows more results on a page.

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