
By | 20 Apr 2009

Appulous is a special AppStore for jailbroken iPhones. The problem of the original AppStore is that you can’t test the applications. You are mostly dependent on the reviews – if there are some.

Appulous lets you test drive most applications from the AppStore.

To install it, add the following source to Cydia: . Then install the Installous package using Cydia.

(If you decide to keep an application, buy it from the original AppStore. The developer deserves it.)

Apps installed via Installous are mostly wiped upon a sync with iTunes. To fix this, buy them.1or search for how to disable the killswitch via SBSettings

  • 1
    or search for how to disable the killswitch via SBSettings

2 thoughts on “Appulous

  1. tall91

    not actuallt true they dont get wiped out, there a patch which allows you to sync them to a pc

  2. tall91

    there a ctually a patch which allows you to sync them to your pc


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