Tag Archives: apple

iPhone vs. Android

iPhone Android (esp. Nexus One) It’s from Apple. It’s NOT from Apple. (or: It’s from Google.) can change keyboard layout on the fly keyboard language related to GUI language (not independently configurable!), but different input methods (not only keyboards) downloadable/switchable on the fly ~150.000 Apps (most are gimmicks though) ~30.000 Apps and growing, some well-known… Read More »

AirVideo Server under Linux

AirVideo is a Client/Server-Mediaplayer, which allows you to stream videos directly from your PC to your iPhone. Its server software started as Windows-/Mac-only but now there’s also a Linux server module available, too. All details are explained in their user forums. Compile the special FFmpeg under Ubuntu Autostart AirVideoServer To autostart AirVideoServer upon bootup, you… Read More »

iOS Emoji Keyboard

Emojis is the Japanese term for emoticons. Every mobile phone in the Japanese area has a fixed set of emoticons included and they are all compatible between different manufacturers of mobile phones. Apple chose to include them as well, but didn’t use the defacto-standard encoding for them but decided to encode them in the private… Read More »


iStat is an app that shows performance statistics of different machines. I compiled their iStat Server on my x86_64 machine and made a little DEB package. Download: istatd_0.5.4_x86_64.deb I also uploaded it to my PPA at launchpad.net. (If you own a Linksys NSLU2, you might want iStat Server (ARM).)

iPhone Carrier Settings

To enable MMS and Tethering, you might have to install a carrier-specific file for your carrier. Details If you look at the .ipcc-file you’ll notice that it’s a standard ZIP archive. Inside you’ll find a folder Payload and a folder with your carrier’s name. There you’ll find a file carrier.list along some others. It is… Read More »