real Apps
- XCode
- appcelerator (write in JavaScript, but gets natively compiled to standalone apps)
- currently my weapon of choice for iPhone+Android development, needs a Mac with XCode though for the iPhone part
- see appcelerator Titanium Framework
Pseudo-Apps is what I call the apps which are actually a bunch of HTML pages with JavaScript and some JavaScript-API for accessing the iPhone internal features. These open in a WebKit-control so that they are basically some spiced up websites.
- PhoneGAP (HTML/JavaScript/CSS, gets compiled and can be offered through AppStore; standalone apps)
- native UI controls in PhoneGap
- Big Five (HTML/JavaScript/CSS, runs off the web → slow when switching pages, needs Big5-Launcher)
- iUI iPhone navigation emulated using JavaScript and CSS (Google Code project)
- CiUI similar to iUI
- Moousture finger-gesture control