Category Archives: Hardware

Everything related to physical devices/objects

Toyota Touch 2 Firmware Update

What unit do I have? Recent Toyotas have a unit called “Touch 2” or “Touch&Go 2” in their middle console. Problem is: you can’t differentiate between them easily. Actually, the “Touch 2” is what you see when sitting in your car. The “Touch&Go 2” is the same base unit, but with an extra processor and… Read More »

HP 50g battery status

To get an idea about the current status of your batteries, there are a few apps available: To install, unpack the downloaded zip file and transfer the files to the SD card. With the SD card in the HP 50g, use the integrated file manager to move them to the FLASH folder. Then reboot the… Read More »

HP 50g alternative firmware

The original firmware in the HP 50g emulates a Saturn CPU like the HP 48 and HP 49 had. However, the built-in ARM920T processor has more power than the Saturn. And now there’s a firmware to unleash the power: newRPL Project homepage It’s very usable at this point, but not all features are implemented yet.… Read More »

HP 50g and missed keypresses

The default key debouncing wait time in the HP 50g is very long so that it misses lots of keypresses when typing fast. E.g. when typing 500 the calculator only registers 50. This behaviour is controlled by the KEYTIME setting. The KEYTIME setting specifies the number of processor ticks, any further keypresses are ignored after… Read More »