Tag Archives: wifi

Flaky WiFi dongle toggle script

After moving to a new place, I had to put my ADS-B handling Raspberry Pi 2B into a cupboard far from any network connection. So I’ve plugged in a cheap USB WiFi dongle and connected it to my WiFi. However, I don’t know whether it’s the dongle or something specific to the RasPi2’s USB implementation,… Read More »

T-Mobile HotSpot

Registration To get your login credentials, you have to send a SMS with the word open to 9526 (at least in Germany). After that you’ll get a SMS in return containing your login data. Bookmark You can add a bookmark to Safari with the following link: (Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with your data.)

Missing Wireless Zero Configuration

If you are missing the Wireless Zero Configuration (in German: Konfigurationsfreie drahtlose Verbindung), you might have installed a D-Link driver. To get the Windows tool back, there’s a nice manual at practicallynetworked.com:

ASUS WL-300g

Install DD-WRT Download: dd-wrt.com Patching firmware Older versions of DD-WRT didn’t provide a firmware file for the WL-300g, but only for the WL-500gx. So I had to patch it for the WL-300g to accept. The router ID was found quick: In the dd-wrt.v23_asus.trx at 0x356fc4, there’s the string which is WL500gx. After changing it to… Read More »

WiFi on bootup with guessnet

Install the guessnet package. This will install the guessnet-ifupdown helper tool. Now edit your /etc/network/interfaces file and add the following lines: This will first try to connect to the CompanyWLAN network and if this is not found, try the WLANatHOME. If everything fails, it will connect to any open Access Point.

WiFi on the Acer Aspire One

Chipset: Atheros AR2425 Change Regdomain The WiFi card comes set to regdom 0x65 (World/ETSI C) which limits the channels to 1..11. (iw list shows channels 12..14 as disabled.) In Germany, there are also channels 12 and 13 which are unusable this way. But there’s the tool ath_info which can read and write the EEPROM on… Read More »