Tag Archives: iphone

iOS Firmware Unpacking

Preparations You’ll need the following tools: Now compile the genpass.c: Unpacking the ipsw file The iPhone Software .ipsw files are normal ZIP files. You can extract them with e.g. IZArc. The archivescontain several files and some disk images: the iPhone OS itself, an Upgrade image and a Restore image. These 3 interesting files for the… Read More »

Tips & Tricks for the iPhone

Mark mail as unread There’s a somewhat hidden way to mark messages as “unread” in the mail app: When viewing a mail,touch the Details link in the upper right. Then find the Mark as unread link below the subject. Access Network Monitor If you like to see the reception status of all the cells you’re… Read More »

Messenger apps for iOS

There are quite a few messenger applications out there. Most people prefer BeeJive or IM+ – not only because they promise you to keep you online 24 hours a day – even without having the application open on your iPhone. Privacy issues Since until today, no application can stay “online” in the background (i.e., if… Read More »

Navigation for iOS

xGPS (You need a jailbroken iPhone for this.) xGPS is a navigation system which uses Google Maps for routing and display of the map. It can download map tiles for offline use and can use the “normal” map as well as the terrain map of Google Maps. Your current position is shown centered together with… Read More »

T-Mobile HotSpot

Registration To get your login credentials, you have to send a SMS with the word open to 9526 (at least in Germany). After that you’ll get a SMS in return containing your login data. Bookmark You can add a bookmark to Safari with the following link: (Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with your data.)

Flash in Safari

(Found here.) You need to have a jailbroken iPhone for this. Add the repository http://d.imobilecinema.com/ to Cydia and find the iMobileCinema. After installing it, you should be able to watch Flash movies in Safari (most of the times).

Develop iOS Apps

real Apps Pseudo-Apps Pseudo-Apps is what I call the apps which are actually a bunch of HTML pages with JavaScript and some JavaScript-API for accessing the iPhone internal features. These open in a WebKit-control so that they are basically some spiced up websites. Web-Apps


Appulous is a special AppStore for jailbroken iPhones. The problem of the original AppStore is that you can’t test the applications. You are mostly dependent on the reviews – if there are some. Appulous lets you test drive most applications from the AppStore. To install it, add the following source to Cydia: http://cydia.hackulo.us . Then… Read More »